The public domain is a vital layer in the urban environment, connecting spaces and providing amenities for the population. Micro-interventions in placemaking, often called urban embroidery, aim to improve the public environment, social participation and the quality of urban life through low-investment, low-invasiveness, micro-operation methods.
Placemaking is a concept that breathes life into our urban landscapes, transforming them from mere spaces into vibrant, meaningful places. It’s about creating environments that resonate with people, fostering connections, and enhancing well-being.
Placemaking is both a process and a philosophy that focuses on shaping public spaces to maximize shared value. It’s about strengthening the connection between people and the places they share, reimagining and reinventing communal spaces to benefit the community as a whole.
公共領域是城市環境中最關鍵的層面之一,連結空間並為人們提供便利設施。公共空間中場所營造的「微干預」,或曰「城市的繡花功夫」,則旨在可以通過低投入、低入侵的微操作方式,改善城市中公共環境, 提高社會參與和城市生活品質。
「場所營造」placemaking 是個為我們的城市景觀注入了生命力的概念,它皆在把單純的空間轉變為充滿活力、有意義的場所。它是關於創造與人們產生共鳴的環境,促進聯繫並提高福祉。
Multiple Collaborations
Placemaking requires stakeholders to work together to create spaces that reflect local needs and aspirations.
Quality Space
This is not just urban design, but creating attractive community spaces that contribute to people’s health and happiness.
Place Identity
場所營造考慮定義一個地方並支持其演變的物理、文化和社會身份,從而定義空間。Placemaking considers the physical, cultural and social identities that define a place and support its evolution.
Participants can select suitable public domain site(s) out of 3 choices within the Southern Inner Harbour area (see diagram). There is no restriction on the project size, participants can freely decide the boundary for design development.
A. 新市巷和清平巷 (清平戲院一帶)
Travessa do Bazar Novo
and Travessa do Auto Novo
B. 亞堅奴前地
Largo do Aquino
C. 太和石級至大樓斜巷 (六屋圍一帶)
Escada do Quebra-Costas
to Travessa do Abreu
(near Pátio das Seis Casas)
Awards & PrizeS
Submission Guidelines
Participants must be 18 years old or above, and must hold
a valid (permanent/non-permanent) resident identity card or non-resident worker card, or student visa in Macau.
Submission Guidelines
- Submitted projects must follow the competition theme;
- Projects must be high-resolution and in JPG or PDF format;
- Each participant/group can submit more than one project;
- Project must have been created by the individual participant/group and should not show offence, discrimination, violence, and other inappropriate implications, and should have no connotation to particular commercial entities;
- The work has not won any award, or is subject to any license or copyright restrictions;
- No watermarks of any kind can be placed on the submissions;
- In case of conflict, CURB reserves the right of final decision and explanation;
- The project(s) submissions must contain the following files:
1. One board A1-size (594 x 841mm) in digital format, with the project information including plans, sections, and perspectives. The board must be in landscape orientation. The resolution of the boards must be 200 dpi, RGB mode and saved as JPG or PDF files. The upper right corner of the board must contain the project name;
2. A DOC file containing the project statement (Maximum 800 characters – Chinese, or 400 words – English). Board A1-size file and Doc file should be named with the following format:Project name_Project Location (eg. Project name_Largo do Aquino.jpg/ Project name_Largo do Aquino.docx);
參賽者必須是18歲或以上持有有效(永久或非永久)居民身份證的澳門居民,或持有效外地僱員身份認別證 (藍卡)的僱員,或本地學生簽證的學生。
- 提交的項目須符合比賽主題;
- 作品需要具高品質和高圖片解析度 。應以 JPG 或PDF格式提交;
- 每位參賽者/參賽單位可提交多於一個項目;
- 作品必須是參賽者原創及不應表現出冒犯、歧視、暴力和其他不當含義;
- 作品未獲得任何獎項,或受任何許可或版權限制;
- 為公平評估,參賽作品不應有作者標記或水印;
- CURB保留最終決定權和解釋權;
- 提交的參賽作品必須跟據以下資料:
1. 一張 A1 尺寸(594 x 841 毫米)的展板的電子檔,包含項目信息,包括平面圖、剖面圖和透視圖。 該板必須是橫向擺放。 展板分辨率必須為200dpi,RGB模式,並保存為JPG或PDF文件。展板右上角必須包含作品名稱;
2. 包含中文或英文項目說明的 DOC 文件(最多 800字(中文) 或400 個詞 (英) )。A1 展板檔案和 DOC 文件應以以下格式命名:
作品名稱_作品位置(例如 作品名稱_亞堅奴前地.jpg/ 作品名稱_亞堅奴前地.docx)。
About CURB – Center for Architecture and Urbanism
CURB Center for Architecture and Urbanism is a non-profit institution established in Macau to promote research, education, production and dissemination of knowledge in architecture, urbanism, and urban culture.
The Center stands as an exchange platform between academia, civil society, professional practice, and government institutions, serving the interests of the overall community through research studies, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, competitions, and other initiatives.CURB is the organiser of Open House Macau, the first in Asia, and an Associate Partner of the World Urban Campaign.
CURB works on a regional level – Macau, Greater Bay Area and China – and an international level – particularly in Asia and Portuguese-speaking countries – taking local issues to a global audience as a think-tank for the future of cities and their architecture.
CURB 建築與城市規劃中心是在澳門成立的非營利機構,旨在促進建築、城市規劃和城市文化知識的研究、教育、生產和傳播。
它是學術界、民間社會、專業團體和政府部門之間的交流平台,透過各類研究、工作坊、研討會、展覽、比賽和其他舉措,為社區的整體利益服務。CURB是東亞地區首個澳門遊屋記 (Open House Macau) 的組織單位,也是世界城市運動 (World Urban Campaign) 的合作夥伴。
+853 2871 5770
R. Lorchas Ponte nº9 3/F, Macau